Opine I will

I am a retired elementary school teacher just trying to do the right thing

Archive for the category “politics”

Gotta Opine!

It has been way to long since I have posted here. Now that I am firmly entrenched in my retirement years, it is time to get back it. Folks, I thank those of you who have read my posts in the past and I hope you will follow me as my social media journey continues. I will be shifting from education issues towards posting more on current political events. Feel free to comment and share this blog with others.

Our Nation is now facing a disruptive political climate that is threatening our democracy. Trump’s MAGA movement has spawned a resurgence of fascism that we have defeated in the past but has reincarnated as more dangerous than ever before. With the fuel provided by social media and political greed our Nation faces this threat from within. It is time to stand up, be counted and defeat this threat. This is a battle of ideologies that we must win.

These fascists have brought out strategies from their old playbook. They have attacked our educational institutions, our places of worship, our governmental institutions, our regulatory safeguards, and our sacred right to free elections. Even though they are a minority they have skillfully used social media to spew lies that root in the darkness of ignorance.

We need to stop playing defense and go on the offense. Let start by calling out those that threaten us. Elon Musk has turned Twitter now call “X” into a platform that highlights the White Nationalist’s agenda. “X” has promoted anti Semitism and his “For You” tab is dominated by posts from Marjorie Taylor Greene and other MAGA morons. Musk pushes this extreme Right propaganda in an effort to legitimize their rhetoric. There is an old saying that if you continue to tell the same lie over and over, it will be eventually seen as the truth, This is right out of the fascist playbook.

In future posts I plan to call out these lies. Stay tuned and most importantly stay informed.

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