Opine I will

I am a retired elementary school teacher just trying to do the right thing

Archive for the month “September, 2016”

Why I’m With Her


That’s right, I am with Hillary this election cycle because I have no other choice. Look, I supported Bernie Sanders in the rigged primaries and I am 100% certain that he would have beaten Trump by a landslide.

U.S. politics is dirty and always has been. Big money interests drive legislation and every now and then the little guy may win a skirmish or two. Guys like Bernie come around and attempt to shake our national conscience every now and then, but in reality unless legislation is passed, we are stuck with political muck.

That said, Trump is a very dangerous candidate. His rhetoric is fueling a fire that could engulf our nation and set us into a downward spiral unlike any nation has every seen since pre WWII. His appeal to the a core of racist, anti-government, anti-progress, ‘know nothings’ is a leap back to the 1840’s and the American Party that fueled the American Civil War.

Trump’s plan is to destroy public education. He flat out tells us that he wants to dismantle teachers’ unions and sell off country’s most precious assets, our schools. He wants to hand our children off to entrepreneurs with only profits on their minds. If you think education reforms are devastating now, just wait if he gets elected.  Yet, I have colleagues and friends who support Trump? I ask, what the heck are you thinking?

Trump’s latest comments praising Russia’s Putin are beyond the pale. Yet his Tea Party Patriots continue to support his treasonous statements. Why?  Pure ignorance that’s why!

The same people that are destroying our schools, reshaping our curriculum, demanding we teach their views on history are now standing at our gates with Trump. Wake up folks!

I am with Hillary, not because she is my #1 choice, but because  I have no other choice.

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